Starting a New Job and Schedule Uncertainty

by mzumtaylor on January 12, 2011

I started my new job on Monday, which means I now have two jobs. Upside: diversified income streams. Downside (sort of): working 50-60 hours a week.

What does this mean for you?

It means that my posting schedule may be a little erratic over the next few days (weeks?) while I figure out a schedule to write posts while also working at my two jobs. I’ll get it sorted eventually (I’m no stranger to working two jobs), but I know that it’ll take a bit of time and wanted you to be aware of the situation.

In the Meantime…

@The Simple Dollar – Young Children, Allowances, and Financial Focus One of my favorite posts that Trent has done recently. I love that he’s documenting how he’s teaching his kids about personal finance. As someone who didn’t learn as much about finances from my parents as I (now) would have liked, this gives me hope that I can teach my kids better habits than I learned.

@GenYWealth – How Not to Lose a Friend Over Spending Behavior My favorite new personal finance blog for young people, RJ offers advice on keeping your friends, even if they want to spend more than you do. The bottom line: open conversation about money.
I also highly recommend signing up for his Financial Freedom Blueprint series.

@GetRichSlowly – Drama in Real Life: When Emergencies Pile Up The author faces several emergencies with on a small cushion of cash and a dwindling emergency fund. Instead of turning to credit (what many of us would do in her situation) she gets creative and comes up with some unique solutions, including borrowing from herself.

I’ll post the last installment of the Budgeting Basics Series and also update Our Finances for January as soon as the pace slows down a bit (hopefully tomorrow).

Stay tuned!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

image Amanda Pingel January 13, 2011 at 7:24 pm

This may sound stupid, but this was a nice post. I appreciate the explanation, and I appreciate the resources. Nice job, and good luck with your 60 hours.


image mzumtaylor January 13, 2011 at 11:14 pm

It doesn’t sound stupid at all. I’m glad that you appreciated the post and got something useful out of it. Providing value is always my goal.

I’ll keep you posted on the 60 hours. It might really be closer to 50, which could be good. We’ll see.


image YTD October 27, 2015 at 3:39 pm

Can you fix the link for “The simple dollar?” I’d love to see the content. thanks


image mzumtaylor January 8, 2016 at 12:45 pm

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