Of really hard classes that are kicking my… well, you know

by Megan Taylor on February 25, 2013

Well, only one of my classes is really hard, but I find that I’m working just as hard this semester (if not harder) than I was last semester when I had three classes. I really thought this whole “two class” thing would be a nice break! Shows what I know…

ACCT 6030 – Intermediate Financial Accounting

We had our first of four tests in Financial Accounting. At the end of the day, I got a 76%, which is (obviously), not ideal. The issue, I feel, is that my foundational knowledge of accounting is not as solid and it could/should be, and this first test tested mostly that. Since getting that test back, I have unearthed my textbook from the “Fundamentals of Accounting” that I didn’t quite finish and have been going back through it, making sure to focus primarily on the areas I missed on that first test. Sadly, the BUSN 6050 class that I took last semester is not nearly as helpful as it could be when it comes to preparation for Intermediate Financial Accounting.

However, I have been keeping up on my reading in the textbook, and don’t find anything that I’m learning unbearably dull or difficult, so I think I’ll survive (and possibly excel) as the semester goes on. Stay tuned.

ACCT 6070 – Managerial Accounting

There are no words for how much I love my teacher for Managerial Accounting. It’s such a nice break from Financial Accounting because the pace of the class is a lot slower, and the teacher explains things in a way that I can really grok. I’m considering taking Advanced Financial Accounting with the same teacher in the fall (even though I don’t really need to), just because I like him so much.

Parting thoughts

The only downside to my Financial Accounting class being so hard is that I haven’t had hardly any time to read the text for Managerial Accounting, or do the homework that is recommended but not actually going to be collected. I’ve been doing a really good job of keeping up with the (assigned) homework in my Financial Accounting class, but I just can’t ever quite get ahead enough to get to the non-assigned stuff in either class. image

Hopefully after this next weekend I’ll be able to focus more on my studies and get some work done for my Managerial class, too.

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