Update: Studying and Job Searching

September 25, 2015

Studying for the CPA exam In case anyone was wondering, studying for the CPA exam is a SLOG. It’s completely expected, but the reality of it is even more sloggish than you might imagine. Using Becker, I have 10 segments to study. Each segment has: four hours of lecture, five to six (more like seven […]

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First Exam – Done!

September 10, 2015

Before I started writing this post, I took a moment to go look back at Megan’s posts from two and a half years ago, when she was (weirdly enough) taking the same two classes I am taking this semester. I was vaguely comforted to look back and see that the first exam of Financial Accounting […]

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Studying for the CPA Exam: An Inverse Relationship

August 30, 2015

I have been diligently studying for the first section (FAR) of the CPA exam since August 25th. (I took the weekend and my birthday as a break from finishing grad school.) In the last five days, I have made a decent amount of progress. There are 10 lessons for FAR in the study course I […]

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Of New Bloggers, Being Done with Grad School, and Upcoming Hurdles

August 25, 2015

New Bloggers So, by now you’ve all met Jenny, who is a good friend of mine, and awesome. She’s just starting her masters degree in accounting, and I am very excited for her. Being Done with Grad School I, on the other hand, am DONE. As you possibly gathered from the title of this post. […]

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First Semester Nerves

August 17, 2015

It’s the first day of classes! I am terrified and elated and nervous and exited and about a billion other emotions. I feel like I am at the top of a roller coaster that is about to start the downward plummet. Let the spins and whirls begin! I am taking Financial Accounting (6030) on Monday […]

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A New Blogger Has Entered the Fray!

August 6, 2015

My name is Jenny, and while the plan (at the moment) is not to become a CPA, I am going back to school to get my Masters of Accounting. Megan has offered to let me chronicle my experience on her blog and I am excited to have a record of the ups and downs of […]

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Man, It’s Good to Be a Packrat

August 2, 2015

I usually curse my packrat tendencies. Especially when it comes to move yet another box of books into yet another third-floor apartment. But this semester I am thanking my tendency to keep all my text books and notes from previous classes. I have used three textbooks from prior classes in the last four weeks. To […]

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Update: Got 104% on my Advanced Accounting exam

July 22, 2015

There’s something really satisfying about business combinations and making the consolidation worksheet balance. Of course, this was only the first exam and things will only get more complicated from here, since the professor said that everything just sort of builds on top of what we’ve already learned, but I think that’ll be fun. In other […]

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About to Apply to Sit for the CPA Exam

July 21, 2015

I can’t really explain it, but I’m unreasonably nervous to fill out the application and pay my $400-ish to see if they’ll let me sit for the CPA exam. As you can see by my sidebar, I’m already three weeks late on doing it. I haven’t been putting it off, not really, because this semester’s […]

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