My Goals for 2012

by mzumtaylor on January 6, 2012

You might note that the title of this blog post is “My Goals for 2012” and not “My Resolutions for 2012.” I don’t like the word ‘resolutions.’ Many people make resolutions at the start of the new year, but it seems that very few people follow through with them. The word has become associated with ‘things I’d like to do, but probably won’t get done.’

The word ‘goals’ on the other hand, is a much stronger word. If you tell someone you have a goal, they get immediately that you are working toward something definite. There is even a handy acronym guideline (SMART) to help you remember how to set good goals.

Can goals be as wishy-washy as most resolutions? Of course. Can resolutions be as well-defined and achievable as the best SMART goal? Absolutely. The word ‘goal’ is just stronger and more meaningful to me.

Professional Goals

In 2012, I am going back to school to earn a Masters degree in Accounting. (See my Becoming a CPA blog for that story.) Because going back to school is a big project, the steps along the way have sort of monopolized my professional goals list.

Goal 1: Get at least a 90% in my Fundamentals of Accounting class starting January 19th.

Goal 2: Pass the GMAT with a score higher than 600 by March 1, 2012.

Goal 3: Complete CU-Denver application by the April 15th early admission date.

Goal 4: Receive at least $2,000 in scholarship money for the 2012-2013 school year.

Goal 5: Enroll in at least two classes for the Fall 2012 semester at CU-Denver.

Goal 6: Attend the 2012 Financial Blogger Conference (FinCon12) as part of my job.

Goal 7: Continue to work in such a way that if my company is able to offer raises at the end of the fiscal year, I will deserve one.

Semi-professional goals (aka Blogging goals)

I don’t currently make any money from blogging, but I do consider it an outlet that builds my personal brand and improves my communication skills. It doesn’t quite fit in either personal or professional goals, so I gave it it’s own category.

Goal 1: Post twice a week to CPA blog (Tuesdays and Thursdays). I am going to consider this part of my accounting homework.

Goal 2: Post three times a week to The Finance Geek blog (Monday-Wednesday-Friday). I want to participate in the Yakezie Challenge (best to post consistently 2-4 times per week). I would also like to add my blog to PTMoney’s finance blogger map (he requires bloggers to post at least 3 times per week).

Goal 3: If I can’t attend FinCon12 as part of my job, I plan to attend it on my own.

Personal Goals

My personal goals for 2012 mostly revolve around getting our condo organized and planting a garden on our patio. I was going to break them up into categories, but there weren’t enough in each category to bother.

Goal 1: Maintain a healthy weight of 165 (currently at 170 after Holiday decadence) with Pilates once a week and 30 minute daily walks.

Goal 2: Plant a garden on my balcony to have fresh salad and cucumbers all summer long and cherry tomatoes into the fall.

Goal 3: Save enough money to get a puppy (We’d like to get one in the first part of June 2012).

Goal 4: Pay off one car loan ($1,150 left) and save $3,600 toward going back to school.

Goal 5: Have an open house (meaning our condo is unpacked and organized) before June 1, 2012.

Goal 6: Paint our bedroom cobalt blue before the open house.

Right now I have a quarterly goal review scheduled on my calendar, so I’ll report back on how I’m doing.

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image shanendoah@the dog ate my wallet January 6, 2012 at 2:16 pm

I love your goals!
Unsurprisingly, my favorite is your goal to get a puppy. I am honestly not one to tell people how they should get a dog, but unless there is something specific you are looking for, I would recommend adopting a puppy through a local shelter or rescue group. It will likely be less expensive (though some rescue groups do have high fees), but worth just as much.
If you have any dog questions, feel free to ask. And I can recommend a number of good pet blogs (I have one of my own) if you want to do some reading in advance. (Because you won’t be busy enough with the GMAT and school.)


image mzumtaylor January 6, 2012 at 3:25 pm

Thanks for the feedback!

I never would have guessed that you liked dogs. 😛 Thanks for the advice. I would only ever get a dog from a very reputable breeder or a shelter, and my inclination is always to go with the shelter option. I love mutts beyond the telling of it.

I’ll let you know if I have any dog questions, and I’d love some recommendations of some good pet blogs. I’ll definitely check yours out. image


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