Second Semester: Accomplished!

by Megan Taylor on May 21, 2013

It’s after 5 pm on a Tuesday and I am not in class.


I feel like this semester lasted forever, but it is officially done and since my teachers are awesome, I even have my final grades.

The Short of It: How I Did

Intermediate Financial Accounting – Final Grade: B
Managerial Accounting – Final Grade: A

The Long of It

Intermediate Financial Accounting

I survived. I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to, but I did.

I even ended up with a B in the class and a 94% (after the curve) on the last exam. I have to say, I was a little bit shocked by my score on that last exam. I didn’t think I had done poorly, not really, but I didn’t think I would do that well. Especially considering I got a 76.7%, a 71.5%, and a 86% on the first three exams, respectively. And the third one was open book. :\

But I survived the class. I even enjoyed it (for the most part, although I would have learned and retained more over two semesters). And now that I’ve passed Intermediate Financial Accounting, in one semester no less, I feel like I could take on the world, like nothing anyone could throw at me could be harder than that.

Managerial Accounting

I loved this class. Loved it. I knew after BUSN 6550 last semester that I liked Managerial Accounting, but this class confirmed that for me.

After completely botching my first exam (I didn’t study for it nearly as much as I should have since it was on the same day as my second Intermediate Financial exam) and getting a 68%, I got 100% on the second exam and … something on the third exam that was enough to get me an A in the class. image I have an email out to my teacher asking how I did on the last exam, but it doesn’t really matter.

What’s Next…

Now I have a few weeks off before the start of the Summer semester, during which I am taking “Applied Economics for Managers.” I have my book already, but am debating with myself whether I should crack it open or just take these next few weeks off and give myself a break. There are so many things I could, should, and want to do.

So we’ll see what I end up doing, but I am looking forward to the summer class. It will be online, which will be a new experience, and I have always been interested in Economics, even if I never did manage to take Econ 101 at the undergraduate level.

I’ll try to update more through the coming semesters, since I don’t think the classes I have this Summer and Fall are going to be as hard as the classes I had this Spring. If there’s anything you’re curious about, feel free to leave me a comment. Now that the semester’s done, I’ll try to respond to the comments I’ve received thus far. Sorry for the delay.

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