Of missed opportunities…

by Megan Taylor on March 20, 2014

Man, getting used to another college’s systems can be a bummer. First, I couldn’t figure out how to register for classes (turns out there was something wrong with my account, which is now fixed), and then I had to figure out how to put myself on the waiting list for the last pre-requisite (read: undergraduate) class I have to take before I can start tackling the graduate-level classes that will actually earn me the Masters of Science in Accounting.

What class am I wait listed for, you ask? Accounting Information Systems.

Yes, seriously. No, I’m not sure why.

I guess the teacher is really awesome or something? Or maybe it’s just that it’s a class that everyone who wants an accounting degree, undergraduate or graduate, has to go through. And probable some of the finance people as well. Heck, maybe it’s a pre-req for all the business school students.

And to top it all off, apparently they inform you of the fact that your wait list number is up through an email. To your school email address. Which you can’t forward or POP or IMAP or anything to a non-school email address (I know I tried). So you have to make sure you check your school email address every. single. day.

Which is to say, they sent me the aforementioned email on Monday morning, informing me that I had until Tuesday afternoon (less than 24 hours) to respond if I was still interested, or the opportunity would go to the next person on the list. I remembered to check my school email on Thursday. *sigh*

I could have kicked myself. Really, really hard. I know what you’re thinking, ‘It’s probably not the end of the world, I’m sure they’ll offer it again.’ And yes, I could also take the class in the Spring, but it’s a undergrad class, which is only offered during the day, and that would be difficult to manage assuming I have a full-time job by that point, which I would like to have.

But I was able to put myself back on the list, this time at number 6 of 6. I guess I just have to hope that either 6 people drop the class, or one person drops the class and the 5 people ahead of me don’t check their email and I get the spot. Fingers crossed.

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